#git bot interface
History of !untrack
- To remove a file from git's tracking, without deleting it from your working tree, `git rm --cached <file>`. Note that any repo which pulls this change will delete their local copy of that file. You can "bring it back" using `git checkout HEAD@{1} file` immediately after pulling / merging
By ikke at 2013-08-28 07:12:49
- To remove a file from git's tracking, without deleting it from your working tree, `git rm --cached <file>`. Note that any repo which pulls this change will delete their local copy of that file. You can "bring it back" using `git checkout HEAD^ file`
By EugeneKay at 2012-07-26 20:17:06
- to stop git from tracking a file, without deleting the file, use "git rm --cached <file>". Please note that if you push/pull this untracking, the file will be actually be deleted on disk by the remote repo.
By SethRobertson at 2012-03-31 14:37:16
- to stop git from tracking a file, without deleting the file, use "git rm --cached <file>"
By canton7 at 2012-02-07 20:17:45