#git bot interface
History of !support_contract
- I'm sorry, I cannot seem to locate your paid-up support contract in my records. You can either find someone to pay to support you professionally, or throw yourself on the mercy of the gits on #git who will help you as they see fit. Alternately, you can request a refund of the full purchase price of git and find another SCM system which will satisfy your support needs for the same or lower cost
By SethRobertson at 2012-03-16 16:19:38
- I'm sorry, I cannot seem to locate your paid-up support contract in my records. You can either find someone to pay to support you professionally, or throw yourself on the mercy of the gits on #git who will help you as they see fit. Alternately, you can request a refund of the full purchase price of git and find another SCM system which will satisfy your needs for the same or lower cost.
By SethRobertson at 2012-03-16 16:17:20